This website is the online statistics consulting service
page of 'babelian statistics consulting' company.
"babelian statistics consulting" is a registered copany in sweden
autorized by, bolagsverket.
We are a group of scientists with highly qualified education that would like to
apply our knowledge in society. We are an exprienced group of statisticians, accounting
and sociologist researchers.
- Our statisticians can consult you in three stage of statitics research such as sampling
design, sumerizing data and analyzing data.
- Our finance consular can help you in organization finance improvement.
Our Experts:
- Owner: Mehdi Zare, Master student in applied statistics in department of statistics. His
interest is to apply statistics in science.
- Technical Team organizer:
Dr Hossein Riazoshams
has PhD of Applied statistics from University Putra Malaysia, and finished
his Postdoc in March 2014 with Department of Statistics, Stockholm University Sweden.
He have consulted more than 50 researcher in several areas of science including
postgraduate students, research centers and organizations. He have a great experiance
in computer programing specially statistical computing, as an evidence the current
website is designed and program by himself. For more information about his research,
published book and developed software visit his home page at "I am ambitious to apply statistics
in any area of science (he said)"
- Finance and Accounting consular: Dr Saeid Homayoun. He have PhD in accounting from
Luleo university of sweden. His research is in finance data study using co movements.